B2B portals can be very diverse in their composition, given that each individual enterprise has its own specific features of trade and production, construction of information systems and expects to receive specific results from implementation.
Some strive to improve service, others to increase wholesale sales, and there are those who want to automate interaction with clients. The solution to these problems is possible with the help of a B2B portal, but its structure and functionality will not be completely the same anywhere.
By the way, it is this circumstance that encourages companies to develop a B2B portal on their own instead of purchasing a ready-made version.
For example, if one organization manufactures email lists uk plastic windows, and another sells textiles, then their portals will differ.
Setting up a ready-made system presents significant difficulties, whereas with individual development it is possible to achieve full compliance with business conditions.
Initially, the B2B portal includes:
An accounting system that underlies all corporate accounting - it contains data on the availability of goods, their cost, etc.
The portal front, in other words, the site that opens in the client’s browser and is the link between him and the site.
The administrative part of the portal, where the specialists of the owner company work.
Standard exchange between the accounting system and the site.
It is worth noting that the specified portal structure includes only the most necessary elements that allow online trading, but is usually developed for testing and can be supplemented later.
Based on this, below is an example of a fully functioning B2B portal that is used in most cases.
Keep in mind that this model is only an example, since in reality its components can perform much more complex tasks.
Structure and functionality of the B2B portal
Source: shutterstock.com
In expanded form, the B2B portal includes:
Accounting system — the portal receives all data from it. The project can be based on one accounting system, for example, "1C", or on the joint use of several, based on the principles of building accounting at the enterprise. Mostly, international companies resort to combining accounting systems.
The Finance block . It has quite impressive dimensions and includes payment, control of the client's account balance, accounting, creation of accounting documentation, reporting, reconciliation reports, etc. Sometimes separate modules are allocated for accounting and financial records.
The "Production" block . It displays and controls all the company's production processes from the acceptance of an application to the release of the final product in accordance with the order fulfillment deadlines.
Warehouse block . Monitoring the availability of goods in the warehouse and transferring data to the portal.
Logistics block . Here the cost of delivery of the order is determined based on logistics data. To perform this task, you need to connect the logistics service to the B2B portal, which will allow the client to evaluate different methods of transportation.
"Delivery" block . Control of the delivery process and its stages.
The "Purchase" block . Most often, it is used when a company purchases goods from a third-party organization and then resells them or plans to purchase materials for the production of an order. Thanks to the automated execution of operations, it is possible to purchase materials in a short time on the most favorable terms.
EDI (electronic document management).
Marketing tools and advertising channels .
Loyalty program . It can be included in the accounting system or connected as a separate module.
Statistics .
Online communication and messengers.
Connecting automated company processes.
Storage of corporate materials.
We have considered only one of the possible compositions of a B2B portal, allowing us to get a general idea of its functioning. If you intend to develop a B2B portal for your business, you will probably need to make adjustments.
There is a direct connection between the functionality of the B2B portal and all external and internal systems with which integration has been carried out.
Since most external systems (such as payment, service or marketing mechanisms) are subject to update and development, the portal's capabilities are simultaneously expanded in the process of implementing their functionality.