Key pain points of e-commerce and how to alleviate them

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Key pain points of e-commerce and how to alleviate them

Post by pappu639 »

The world is seeing accelerated growth in e-commerce, with sales up massively by 14.9% in 2019.

Impressive, but even though e-commerce is growing rapidly , it still has a small slice of the pie compared to retail. With e-retail sales reaching 3.5 trillion in US dollars in 2019, it accounted for only 14.1% of all retail sales worldwide.

And according to the Baymard Institute, e-commerce stores have a 69.57% abandonment rate. This means poland whatsapp number only 3 out of 10 potential customers complete a purchase when shopping online. Money is being left on the table.

Why is the conversion rate so low?

There are numerous e-commerce pain points that cause friction and prevent shoppers from completing their online purchases. Unless you address them, you will lose sales and your customers will be able to shop elsewhere.

In this article, we'll look at the main pain points of e-commerce and also show you exactly how to fix them.

But first…

What is the customer's pain point?
A customer problem is a problem that a potential customer has that prevents them from completing a purchase.

The pain points are varied (as we'll see), but they all boil down to one thing: the customer wants to make a purchase, but their experience hasn't matched expectations of what their buying process should be like.

Essentially, the user experience causes so much friction that it outweighs the benefits of making the purchase. It could be a payment issue, a support issue, or even a design issue.

Because the root cause of this problem can be so varied depending on each buyer, you should do everything you can to address all of the customer’s potential pain points. Now let’s take a closer look at what they are.


Sometimes a potential first-time customer will arrive at your site in a hurry. They want to complete their purchase quickly... and they especially don't have time to be slowed down by a request to create an account to complete their purchase.

For many new customers, the option to checkout as a guest is very convenient. It ensures a fast and smooth checkout process that leaves them with a positive experience of your store.

If, on the other hand, you refuse to allow them to make a purchase without first creating an account, they may click away again and go to another online store.

Additionally, you can still capture their details by asking them if they want to create an account after they've made a purchase, or by using a pop-up to get their email address.

Either way, the key is that a) you've gotten them into the habit and b) you've provided them with a hassle-free shopping experience they won't forget.

Filtering and sorting missing products
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One of the most overlooked pain points of e-commerce is the lack of product filtering and sorting.

Product filtering and sorting is essentially done when your customers can browse your inventory and find the products they are looking for without any problems. They can, for example, use drop-down menus that allow them to set basic elements such as size, style, and price.

To improve your product filtering and sorting, consider offering potential customers multiple display and sorting options. Be sure to add category-specific options as well, and if you don’t already have a search bar, it’s time to add one that allows potential customers to enter keywords, item numbers, and brand names.
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