Uvod and email marketing

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Uvod and email marketing

Post by muskanislam44 »

If you have ever signed up for a newsletter with information about a product, service, or something that really interests you, you know how powerful such an email can be. You will receive only what interests you , as if on a platter. In this text, we will not talk about annoying spam emails, whose arrival in your inbox is accompanied by the obligatory sentence: "Where did they get my data from?" Our focus is on those emails rich in useful content, which will attract your target group.

Advantages of email marketing
Most of us have some websites that we love, but we simply whatsapp number data don't remember to visit them on a daily basis. This is how we miss out on important things , for example, a discount at our favorite online store. To prevent this from happening, users (your current and potential customers and clients) will sign up to receive important information directly to their email address. This can be one step closer to them making a purchase. You may already have a specific list of emails and contacts of people who you know will be interested in what you offer them. Great. But how to use it? We'll tell you below.

email marketing

How to start?
We'll start with what you shouldn't do: don't buy an email list , no matter how many addresses are on it.

The reasons for this are:

You don't know how the emails were collected.
You don't know if they even exist/are in operation.
You don't know if the addresses belong to people in your target group.
Why is this important ? Short and sweet: you don't care about tens of thousands of addresses of people who won't open what you send them, and believe me, they won't open it if they haven't signed up for it and if they don't benefit from it. You have to provide quality content. If you send emails to someone who isn't interested, they may mark them as spam and block you from sending.

Now that we have established that, it is important to collect a list of relevant contacts for you . You can use your clients' emails, put a field for signing up to receive emails on your website and a CTA (Call-To-Action) button for signing up on your Facebook page. After that, you need to find a way to contact those who are interested.

The most popular email automation tools, or email marketing tools, are MailChimp and GetResponse . With them, you can create different lists (useful if you have multiple segments you want to target) and easily customize the look of the emails you send.


What should every email contain?

To be informative enough and leave a serious impression, your emails should have several basic parts:

Header – you can put some kind of universal title here (for example “Discount Notice”)
Main part – this is where you will enter the content. It is possible to insert text, photos, advertising banners, calls to action, links.
The final part - company logo, address, and social media icons that lead to business profiles, so users can follow you there as well.
mailchimp-design-for-email, email marketing

This is the minimum content and basic structure you can create. In the image you can see what it looks like to create an email form on the MailChimp platform, which you will send to your entire list of registered users. Don't let this platform scare you, it's easy to use once you get used to it.

Make sure everything looks correct : a font that is easy to read, colors that are not flashy, that there are no grammatical errors, and that the text is not too long, as the reader will lose interest.

Mandatory: allow recipients to unsubscribe from your list if they wish . If they don't want to follow news about your products and business, then they are definitely not interested in it . This will help you clean up your contact list, which will contribute to better targeting of potential users.
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