Analysis of failure to fulfill the sales plan is necessary if you aim to solve this problem. Studying the results of the activity can be called the basis for drawing up a plan for future work, thanks to such research you will be able to make calculations: what, how and where to sell. Having a complete picture of what is happening, it is important to rely on it, and not on your own opinion or intuition. In addition, analysis of statistics of sold goods will help to evaluate the work of the staff. In sales department management, there is such a term as PDCA or the Deming cycle. The goal of the corresponding management model is the constant optimization of the product sales process.
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As the first stage of the study, we suggest arranging certification of salespeople. The results of the test on knowledge of products and sales techniques may surprise you greatly (rarely - positively), especially if such an assessment is not carried out regularly. The second stage will be monitoring compliance with the work schedule of specialists; for the effective implementation of their potential, the entire day should be scheduled down to the minute.
The seller should always know what he is doing and what he still has to do; do not allow your employees to be idle. To control the quality of work, mystery shoppers are often used, who can give an independent assessment and describe the impression, or you can independently observe communication with the client, business, etc.
Motivation and stimulation of employees in the field of sales directly affect the quality of activity. The harbingers of the fact that employees are not interested are weak discipline in the team, poor customer focus of the staff. Without motivation and advanced training will lose its significance, which will certainly lead to failure to fulfill the sales plan.
Therefore, always pay attention to the behavior of employees and do not forget about non-material motivation. We recommend using various methods of team building, raising the mood in the team. These actions will help in preventing a drop in income, sales volumes and failure to fulfill the plan.
The third stage will be the development of a promotion strategy. Based on the results of the analysis, it is now necessary to determine how to change the situation. It is not enough to simply put the goods on display and hire people who can sell them. In order for sales to be large and effective, at the beginning of the year, draw up the necessary strategy at the management level. Then gradually apply it to all departments and functions, so that each employee can find their role in this mechanism, performing which they will receive a reward.
Analysis of the reasons for failure to fulfill the sales plan
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