Safety conditions good internal communication as we have mentioned previously coordination is a requirement for . Machinery the company works correctly and the best way to maintain its gears in good . Condition is to promote internal communication between all members in these cases the use of . Chat applications and internal messaging seems vital as well as the realization of frequent telematic . Meetings or in person and even the implementation of social activities such as contests to . also interact and relate to listening capacity no .
Matter how good work to favor internal 99 acres data communication the management of the company will not . Achieve great progress in this aspect if they do not listen to their employees they . Must feeling that when they speak they are heard and of course have the opportunity . To raise their proposals and ideas the realization of the work in a remote reality . So that in these cases it is also fundamental that the company invites its employees . To transmit their feedback and to deal but this is not equivalent to giving wide .
Manga to do what freedom and autonomy wants to know how to act in line . With protocols internal and corporate culture feedback and empathy towards the client of course a . Remote call center should keep intact the priority of offering a quality customer service in . This plot nothing must change regarding work in the power plantations because the experience of . Consumers consumers cx clearly conditions the results of the sector today and that happens to . Transmit to the operators the relevance that they take care of the prospects and strive .