Delivery times for modern e-commerce have been significantly reduced, particularly by Amazon. This is why, today, your customers expect fast delivery, in just a few working days. eBay also promotes e-retailers capable of meeting very short delivery times. If you are part of this category, you will certainly be much more highlighted by eBay than your competitors who are not.
#6 Be clear with your return policy
Your return policy is a key element of the trust your customers will place in you. If you do not have a return policy that your visitors consider strong enough, they will think that you do not really stand behind your products, and that you are not sure of the quality of what you sell. On the contrary, a return policy that is advantageous for the customer is a strong signal of trust sent to your visitors.
#7 Choose quality visuals
In traditional retail, a customer can come to the store, see a product, test it, “have it in their hands”. In e-commerce, this is not possible. That is why you need to use quality media to promote your products. Give the customer the impression that they have the product in front of them. You could even make a demo video for each product, which shows the customer your product in real conditions.
To go further
Video is a very powerful marketing tool, we recommend reading:
How to Create a Professional Video on a Small Budget?
#8 Optimize the description of your listings
Describing your listings well is essential on eBay. Not only will it help your customers better understand your store, but it will also help search engines index you more effectively. Be comprehensive, use keywords, and try to keep your listing to no less than 200 words. Also, make sure your description is consistent with the general tone and how you communicate with your customers.
#9 Send signals of trust
One of the main disadvantages of an e-commerce over a traditional store is that your customer never meets you in person. To best solve this problem, it is important to send strong signals of trust to the people who will visit your eBay store. You can – for example – take a picture of yourself promoting your products: this will give the visitor the feeling of knowing you a little, of “seeing who you are”.
In addition, there are several social proof levers that are important to use on your site, the most important of which is probably your best customer reviews. Never hesitate to highlight these reviews, and take great care of your best customers: they will be your best ambassadors.
#10 Contact your suppliers in person
If you do not physically own your products, and you do what is called "dropshipping" (that is to say that you sell products without having stock and that, for each sale, you collect the money, and pay a supplier armenia whatsapp list who will send the product directly to your customer), we advise you to approach your best suppliers. Establishing a relationship of trust with them will be of capital help to you, especially in the event of a problem or unavailability of one or more products. In addition, it is always easier to judge the reliability of a supplier if you meet them in person, rather than through purely digital exchanges.
Optimize your delivery process
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- Joined: Thu Jan 02, 2025 7:09 am