Part-time work is becoming increasingly popular. This may be because people want to give more importance to their private life or because they want to spend more time with their child. Health or age-related circumstances can also be decisive. In view of the ongoing demographic change, the creation of new working models is becoming more urgent. At the same time, commitment to the job and to the company is noticeably decreasing. This is particularly true for the younger generation. The reasons for reducing working hours are usually individual. But what everyone has in common is the desire to better balance private and professional needs. The trend towards part-time work is becoming ever stronger and is demanding that employers take action.
The most common employment situation continues to be a full-time man outlook email lists and a part-time woman who also looks after the children and does most of the care work. The desire for both partners to look after the family equally requires, in most cases, the possibility of reducing both partners' workloads. An employer is even legally obliged to allow a reduction in working hours if requested. However, there is no legal entitlement if someone wants to switch from part-time back to full-time work.
With the reduction in working hours, income naturally also decreases. While the net hourly wage increases due to lower taxation, the pension entitlement decreases in comparison. It is a trade-off that one must be able to afford and willing to make. External factors can also play a role here. For example, the lack of childcare or the fact that it is too expensive often means that women in particular take on the care of the children themselves and are forced to work fewer hours.
The 4-day week
The shortened working week attempts to find an answer to the open questions surrounding part-time work and is already being tested in several countries. The idea is to work an hour more for four days and at the same time have the fifth day off. In other words, 90% work for 100% pay in four days. Young parents can then look after their children on their day off. Conversely, however, this also means that the employee is absent from childcare for longer on the other four days, which has an impact on the partner's choice of working model. The strong compression of working hours does not work for everyone; young, fit and unattached employees have a clear advantage. There are people who can organize more time off from work and others who cannot afford more time off from work.
Part-time work as a hurdle
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