Find out everything about the new electronic auction decree

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Find out everything about the new electronic auction decree

Post by mostakimvip04 »

Normative Instruction No. 206, of October 18, 2019, published in the Official Gazette of the Union, establishes deadlines for adapting to the electronic auction modality, or electronic waiver, when executing Union resources for bodies and entities of the state, district or municipal public administration, directly or indirectly.

FEBRUARY 3, 2020: Municipalities with over 50,000 (fifty thousand) inhabitants and entities under their indirect administration;
APRIL 6, 2020: Municipalities with between 15,000 (fifteen thousand) and 50,000 (fifty thousand) inhabitants and entities under their indirect administration; and
JUNE 1, 2020: Municipalities with less than 15,000 (fifteen thousand) inhabitants and entities under their indirect administration.
If you are already part of the Public Procurement Portal, don't worry! Our platform is 100% ready to comply with the new rules and our Customer Service Center is prepared to provide all the necessary support if you have any questions about how the system works.

Avoid rework, our solution is integrable with your ERP. Contact us and request a presentation with one of our Regional Managers.
The new Federal Decree on Electronic Auction No. 10,024/2019, published on September 20, 2019, introduces numerous new features that modernize purchases and contracts made by states and municipalities and emphasizes that all bids made with federal funds must be made in the electronic auction modality. In addition, the new decree introduces several changes to the internal stages of the processes . We, at the Public Procurement Portal, have prepared this statement to better explain all of this, step by step, and most importantly: to inform our customers that we are already preparing for this change!

Understand the main points below:

Confidential budget: the rule now is that the estimated value may or may not be confidential and the price is only disclosed for negotiations after the bidding phase has ended. We have always had this functionality in our uk business email database solution, but now it will have the appropriate nomenclature for the decree.


Prior qualification: all suppliers must submit qualification documentation before the public session. Our solution provides the possibility of doing this online in a practical and quick manner.
Alert to the supplier: we will inform the supplier of the dispute mechanics used in the auction, process by process.
Registration of the process by the buyer: all registration of the process will be carried out in guided steps, to facilitate and ensure compliance.
Innovation: we implemented the possibility of carrying out processes with a dispute for a single lot or single item.

Don't worry, as it will be possible to register processes
in compliance with current legislation, when in the interest of the agency.
The challenge stage will no longer prevent the opening of the bidding phase of the contest. According to art. 24, "any person may challenge the terms of the auction notice, electronically, in the manner provided for in the notice, up to three business days prior to the date set for the opening of the public session".
Closing items: this is probably the biggest change, so don't worry, we will let the auctioneer choose how to close items when registering the process. But here's what's changing:
Open process: bidders/suppliers will submit successive bids within a minimum time of 10 minutes. “After this, the time limit will be automatically extended by the system when a bid is submitted in the last two minutes of the public session.” (Art. 32)

Open/closed process: the bidding period will have a fixed period of 15 minutes, in which bidders/suppliers will submit successive bids; and a random period (of up to 10 minutes) in which bidders/suppliers will submit their bids. At the end of this second stage, suppliers/bidders who are in the top 10% (lowest prices) will be able to submit a single final bid, within a period of 5 minutes, which will be confidential until the end of the deadline.

Finally, the auctioneer may accept or end the dispute.

We will maintain our spirit of transparency and implement all information in the chat, automatically.
Declaration of winners: when declared the winner, the supplier's data will be made available to everyone; in the event of a tie, the solution will carry out an impartial and random tie-breaking process.
Qualification: all documentation of the process, as well as of the winning supplier, will be made available to the auctioneer.
The decree also brings other changes, however, these are already contemplated by our customers who will not have any type of impact on the current routine.

Since the beginning of 2019, we have actively participated in all public hearings held by the Ministry of Economy and have also been present at meetings with the technical team, in order to ensure compliance with all legal requirements and imminent innovations.

In addition, we have the legal advice of one of the most renowned administrative law firms in Brazil: Jacoby e Reolon Advogados Associados and the support of Instituto Protege . We also have a development team 100% dedicated to the solution that, since 2016, has been delivering stability, compliance and integrity to the Portal's users.

Therefore, we inform you that all necessary changes will be tested and approved, so that there is no impact on legal and procedural procedures within our solution.
We are available to schedule presentations and meetings for all municipalities in the country, through our Call Center.

We are, more than ever, committed to offering a center of excellence prepared to fully meet the requirements of the new legislation, and with this, contribute to innovation in public management and the satisfaction of our users.
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