A mailing list is a database of people and/or companies with contact information. Contact information can be:
– Address and zip code;
– E-mail
– Telephone
– Extension (within the company)
Typically, a mailing list can be made up of malaysian whatsapp number companies (legal entities), individuals or companies with contact persons within the company, indicating position and department.
For B2B businesses , this last type of list is the most valuable, as it already provides a list of the contacts that need to be reached within the company. Each type of business wants to reach a specific position within the company. A sales rep who provides financial systems will probably want to speak to the client’s CFO.
Segmented Lists
For B2B businesses, your target customers belong to a specific industry or segment. Let’s say you’re a digital agency based in Rio Grande do Sul that helps your clients increase conversions on their websites. You’re looking for new clients and want to find those who are most likely to hire your services and who have a good budget to invest in digital marketing. You might want to look for IT companies based in Rio Grande do Sul with revenues above R$5 million.
Segmented mailing allows you to target only the segment that interests you most, avoiding wasting time on customers who are not interested in your product. Filters for segmenting potential customers can include:
– Sector of activity
– Sub-sector
– Region (city, state, zip code, etc.)
– Size (number of employees)
– Revenue
– Share Capital
Many companies sell email addresses online without any possibility of segmentation, or they say that their lists are segmented but only have very basic filters, such as state. Others still present low-quality and outdated data. When sending emails, outdated data causes a high bounce rate , which harms your campaign.
There's no point in having a list with a million emails if you don't know who these emails are for and whether they're correct. It's like taking a shot in the dark.
A segmented list with a thousand contacts, where you know which companies will receive the campaign and which segment they belong to, is worth much more than a mailing list with a million contacts whose names you have no idea who they are.
Econodata provides a tool that allows you to see how many companies there are within each sector or state. By browsing the Business Directory , you can check these numbers.