There are two divergent opinions: some believe that the business manager should become the head of the project group, because he has everything for this, but others recommend not involving direct management in the optimization process, but insist that it should be deputy directors or heads of departments in which fateful changes for the company will be made.
Once the team leader has been selected, the core team must be formed. Remember that effective work requires an experienced outside perspective, so consultants should work on the project alongside the core team members.
Provision of such consultants is carried out by whatsapp number australia separate companies. Approach the choice of consulting services responsibly and do not forget to conclude a non-disclosure agreement.
In addition to the basic preparatory stages, there are some other tools that make it easier for business leaders to achieve their goals. These include:
Exception : When you need to cut costs, optimize transport routes.

Change . It is used when implementing the latest technologies and operating mechanisms, and modernizing production.
Simplification . When it is necessary to automate routine procedures, to simplify some parts of the production process.
Acceleration . Also used when applying modern technological solutions and automation of work.
Standardization . Important for developing a foreign market, and also if you want to attract capital from outside.
Interaction : Used to strengthen ties and improve interaction between departments within a single enterprise.
Addition : If all new methods do not have the desired positive effect, it will be optimal to add additional tools.
It is impossible to say exactly which tool will have the desired impact in your particular case. The combination of different business processes and their unidirectional action will definitely give their results. Remember that general schemes may not work for you, then you need to resort to a unique approach.
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Stages of business process optimization
Let's look at the main ones:
Goal setting
To set a goal for optimizing business processes, it is important to rely on a well-developed strategy, the company's place in the market, specialization, and some other indicators. Organizations with different focus areas may have different goals.
Goal setting
Some people want to reduce the delivery time of goods and shorten the time of product creation, while others aim to improve the final appearance of products and reduce the cost price. Even if there are several goals, you can solve them gradually, setting a priority for each individual task.
Creating a description for current business processes
Analyzing and describing all existing processes is the basis for future modernization. Start by making a list of actions, and then describe them using the following questions:
What procedures does the process consist of?
What is the input to and output from a process?
Who is the executor and responsible person for this process?
What is the result of the process and how does it affect the final product?
After such a description, you will receive a map of all processes indicating weak points in production. Based on this information, the goals and objectives of future optimization will be viewed.
Note: in order to better describe a business process and understand its structure, you can ask the employee who carries it out. This way you will understand how the procedure actually looks. And whether it matches the instructions you provided, if any. It is better to entrust the conversation with employees to an invited expert consultant, who will then be engaged in the selection of optimization methods.
Detecting gaps
Once you have done the analysis and have honestly described all the company's processes, you should find all the weak points of the business as a whole, and not just a specific stage of production. This is necessary in order to identify priority points from which optimization will begin.
When calculating weaknesses, the following factors should be considered:
number of staff units;
quality of the final product or service;
the benefits that your company provides to the client;
similar indicators for competitors;
features of your niche.
Let's consider a problem in a business process using an example. The attendance of a furniture store increases on weekends and holidays. But sales figures at this time do not increase proportionally. During the analysis, we found the reason: the sellers cannot cope with the increased flow of customers.
There are not enough of them physically to consult a larger number of people, hence the percentage of closed deals does not grow. Sales are at a standstill, and clients are not happy that they were not given due attention.
To detect a problem, it is simply necessary to obtain numerical indicators at each stage of the business process. Weaknesses will become visible and measurable, which will provide direction for choosing optimization tools.
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