Head of Sales: Tasks, Roles, Qualities

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Head of Sales: Tasks, Roles, Qualities

Post by Mimakte »

What are we talking about? The head of the sales department is a key manager, on whom the company's income directly depends. His tasks are to fulfill the plan, train managers, participate in negotiations and regularly analyze the work of the department, solving problems proactively.

What to pay attention to? The head of the sales department must be able to sell, but these are not the only requirements. The specialist also needs communication skills, knowledge in the field of economics and management, the ability to work in CRM and a number of other qualities.

In this article:

The Role of the Head of Sales
Responsibilities of the Head of Sales Department
Sales Manager Skills
Personal qualities of the head of the sales department
Qualities that hinder the work of a sales manager
Structure of the job description philippinen vorwahl whatsapp of the head of the sales department
Where to find a sales manager
Performance evaluation of the head of the sales department
Frequently Asked Questions About Head of Sales

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The Role of the Head of Sales
The main task is to create a sales strategy and develop a KPI system for managers.

To do this, he does not need to sell himself, even if he is a master at it. His responsibility is to monitor and organize the work of managers, be able to analyze KPI in dynamics, feel out weak points and promising areas of work of the entire department and each manager, organize the promotion of all the company's products on the market.

The Role of the Head of Sales

Source: shutterstock.com

The advantage of working personally for the head of the sales department is that he does not deal with clients constantly, but only when the manager asks for help with a task and involves him in difficult negotiations or resolving a conflict situation. The exception is strategically important customers, communication with whom requires the appropriate authority and skill.

It is logical that in many small companies the head of the sales department is also responsible for the CRM program. An experienced specialist can do this, because the database of the main contractors of the enterprise must be constantly updated with adequate data.

The functionality of this system is technically ensured by specialized specialists who are always ready to restore its functioning. But there are also such versions of CRM that do not require their constant involvement.

So, the main responsibility of the head of the sales department is to ensure the growth of sales of products and services and the profit of the entire organization through the effective work of his department.

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Responsibilities of the Head of Sales Department
The sales plan is the main thing that the head of the relevant department is responsible for. Without achieving this most important indicator, not only the development, but also the existence of the company is impossible. The goal is achieved by solving a number of problems.

The Head of Sales must:

develop a detailed sales plan;

ensure the coordinated work of subordinates and their interaction;

maintain morale and motivation of team members;

select sales manager candidates and train new recruits;

develop employee skills and the entire process of selling goods and services;

engage in negotiations when necessary and prevent conflicts;

provide customer support after the sale of the product;

prevent disruptions in the department's work or promptly resolve problems that arise.

Duties vary depending on the employer's requests and the company's profile. But the above is usually included in the job description of the head of the sales department. Let's look at this in detail.

Developing sales plans
The company's management determines the strategy and its key indicators. The manager's task is to fulfill the established sales plan. They usually include sales standards by product, distribution channel, geography or by customer service areas. For example, indicators can be set for:

retaining and expanding work with existing clients;

attracting new clients;

return of lost customers.

The manager is obliged to submit a draft plan to the management, agree on its key indicators and detail the picture for setting tasks for subordinates for a month, quarter, year.

Decomposition of the plan is a key moment in planning the work of the sales department and determining the competence of its manager. There is a direct connection between the distribution of the workload among the department managers and the results of their work.

The head of the sales department must have a good knowledge of the market, the capabilities of employees and take into account the following aspects in planning:

the capabilities of each team member;

requests and characteristics of customer profiles;

seasonality of goods or services, if any.

If sales plans are aimed at steady growth, this will allow for increasing production of products. Opportunities will arise to develop new areas by modernizing the process.
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