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Responsibilities of a Project Manager in IT

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:21 am
by Mimakte
In the IT sphere, it should be included in the work process at every stage. At the very beginning, when the customer comes with a request, the manager needs to ask about all the details: the purpose of the project, its benefits, deadlines and other requirements. The manager's responsibilities also include working with finances. After that, it is necessary to hire specialists to solve specific problems.

First, the manager needs to transform the customer's idea into specific tasks that can be assigned to employees. Speaking of other managerial responsibilities, the following are highlighted:

Find out the customer's detailed requirements . What exactly needs to be done, what he expects from the final project, what his budget is, how long it takes to complete everything.

Formulate the task and agree it with the customer . In IT, it singapore business mailing list is very important that everyone understands each other from the very beginning, and there are no disappointments in the future. To do this, it is worth agreeing on every detail.

Create a prototype . The manager must draw up a work plan and a diagram of the finished project. This way, it is easier to understand how exactly to bring the customer's idea to life.

Set a task for a specialist designer . After agreeing on all aspects with the client. The designer is provided with all ideas, a plan, sketches and references, and the work begins.

Set up the process . After receiving the project layout from the designer, the next stage of activity is transferred to the developers.


Test the finished product . Before showing the project to the customer, it must be checked for errors and compliance with the customer's requirements. If any shortcomings are found, adjustments are made to it.

There are projects that require the participation of a whole team of designers, developers, programmers, testers. In this situation, you need to be able to work with people, negotiate with them and motivate them.

It happens that the moral state of one of the group members prevents him from acting productively, the responsibility for solving the problem lies with the leader. If he wants to create a quality product, it is his responsibility to do everything to help the team.

The most important task of the project manager is to do everything in such a way that the group delivers it to the client on time in the form that was discussed before the start of work. The manager monitors deadlines, finds out what can prevent the task from being completed on time and takes actions to prevent this.

Responsibilities of a Project Manager in IT


Knowledge of theory is not enough to perform all these duties; practical skills of teamwork, communication skills and the ability to plan the process correctly are needed. The most important characteristic of a manager is purposefulness.

An IT project manager mainly works using such skills as communication, conflict resolution, planning and risk management. Of course, programming knowledge is necessary, but the main thing is that he must have leadership qualities. A big advantage of a manager is knowledge of development methodology.

During an interview with a candidate for a project manager position, they may ask what Scrum and Agile are, whether you have worked with Waterfall. A novice manager should understand this. A manager must have a large number of different skills. Most are acquired with experience, but there are several skills that are worth starting to develop even before starting work:

Establishing communication with clients.

Conflict resolution.

Creating project prototypes.

Formation of a work plan.

Formulating tasks that can be assigned to employees.

Organization of work processes.


Theoretical knowledge of the IT sphere.

Knowledge of how the Internet works, what the backend, frontend, API, etc. are.

Knowledge of basic Agile principles.

Product testing.

An IT project manager spends most of his time setting up communications with clients and employees. Therefore, he must have empathy. A lot depends on people, they are the main tool in the work.

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