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If you need to install many third-party tools

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 10:07 am
by tanjilaakter0011
So you can understand why if you download several plugins on your website made in WordPress (or other platforms) and each of them has resources that weigh, for example, from 40 to 150 KB you can quickly end up having a page that far exceeds 1 MB!

In this article we have considered only one metric: page weight .

But we might decide to limit the number of thailand phone number list external resources, reduce the loading time of the first contents of the page, or reduce the time it takes for a page to become fully interactive.

(such as external Fonts, Facebook pixels, Google Analytics , compliance solutions such as Cookie Policy, chatbot integration) you will have to find a compromise between speed and functionality.

Full speed ahead!
Yes, I know, reading this article you will have thought " starting tomorrow I also want a site that loads in 3 seconds and climbs the Google SERP ".

The reality is that these goals are difficult to achieve once the site is already online, since it has structural blocks that should be resolved and planned upstream.


But if you have a slow loading website you can contact me and I will provide you with a list of issues to fix to improve your page loading times .

Speed ​​up your site
Keep in mind that removing important content from your site to reduce the weight of a page is not a great strategy for improving performance!

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