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They remove all barriers to t

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:02 am
by robiulhasan
In our studies on most effective triggered messages, we constantly find "Email My Cart" style messages to outperform all others.

Email My Cart messages are triggered when a customer has added an item to their cart, but they leave the site before accessing the checkout page.

9. Incentivize product expansion with existing customers (ft. Uber)
Your current customer base are your best prospects for new cell phone database product categories.

As part of the engagement phase, brands should continue to educate customers on product development. Uber offers a great example.

While the brand began as a transportation service, they have since layered on additional products. One of those is Uber Eats, a food delivery service.

As part of their customer lifecycle management process, Uber segments customers who have used their transportation service but haven't made their first order on Uber Eats.

rying it out, offering a full $30 off your order, making many meal options free.

10. Reduce promotional spend on repeat orders and reactivation campaigns (ft. Instacart)
Discounts work.