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Getting clients with advertising brochures

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:03 am
by Raihan8
Traditional advertising is not dead yet. Nowadays it seems that everything is online, but tactics such as direct mail are still very effective at a local level.

It's relatively cheap to print flyers and then hand them out, and depending on what you offer you may get good results.

Ideally, you should do a small run and see how a direct mail campaign works - you can place advertising in both businesses and homes.

Just remember to be respectful. If a community doesn't want advertising, don't insist.

Just like all other sales techniques, getting customers through direct mail is something that depends on the type of business you have. Some will be better received than others, of course.

So here's a tip to get better acceptance: Instead of promoting your business as is, make a really good offer for a limited time .

As a local business, once people know you, they are likely to thai phone number come. Or avoid you. So it's not a bad idea to invest in a promotion to get them interested in your store.

Along the same lines, you can also use your advertising brochures for the following.

Collaborate with local businesses
A more elaborate way of doing direct mail is to talk to local businesses, especially those that complement each other.

As an anecdote, we ourselves have collaborated with local stores of various types:

Printing and copy shops
Beauty centers
Many people pass through these places. Individuals, companies, public officials... So what we did was speak directly with the owners of these businesses to see how we could place our advertising on the counter.

You might be surprised at how easy it was.

Most local businesses have it tough these days, so many of them are quite willing to help out.

It's also important that you help them back, so try doing a flyer exchange. If you get them clients, they'll be very grateful.