What do the two terms VR and AR actually mean?

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What do the two terms VR and AR actually mean?

Post by mstakh.i.mom.i »

Using VR and AR in companies? For many pioneers in this field, this is no longer a question. But what do the terms VR and AR actually mean in detail? How can these new technologies be used profitably and, above all, efficiently in a non-gaming company? In this article, we will address these questions and explain everything about the topic. Enjoy reading!

The abbreviation VR stands for Virtual Reality and AR is the abbreviation for gmail email list the word Augmented Reality. Virtual Reality mainly means the implementation of a virtual reality into our actual reality. For a better understanding: This mainly refers to the VR glasses that can be worn, which put the user in a kind of virtual reality and completely block out the actual reality.

Almost everyone has seen the amusing videos on social media: after putting on the VR glasses, many users often forget that they are not actually in the artificial world and then run into walls or other obstacles. This is intended to illustrate how effective and, above all, impressive this technology is.

Augmented reality is more about the virtual extension (or even improvement) of our real world. In other words: A good example of this is Google Glasses, which allow us to see reality, but like the Terminator (for better understanding) provide artificial assistance at the side or even in the middle of the image.

This could be a built-in thermal camera function, for example, or we could use augmented reality to see Pokémon where there aren't any (see Pokémon Go).

Using VR and AR technologies effectively in companies
These two technologies can be used for more than just collecting Pokémon or immersing yourself in virtual worlds and running into walls. But joking aside, these two advances in the computer world are actually already being used by some companies to increase productivity and thus profits. A good example are programs that simulate a workshop and/or an engine compartment.
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