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While most are willing and ready to comply

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:05 am
by mmehedi*#
Some find it difficult to discern the official meaning of the regulatory language. This can cause confusion for compliance personnel who are forced to rely on whim and vague interpretations of NERC standards and regulations.

The ISA (Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation) provides an exhaustive reference for guidelines and instructions on how NERC’s provisions can be implemented, to help ensure that everybody is marching in the same direction. ISA’s 2014 Cybersecurity Conference “shed light on what can be done to protect industrial networks and control systems australia mobile number list free from serious, potentially devastating damage from cyber threats.”


To counteract the unclear nature of NERC CIPs, many companies are actively documenting how they intend to fulfill, mitigate, or comply with the requirements and hope auditors find merit in this diligent record keeping. Since so many interpretations are presently in play, auditors can only note whether or not a company did what it said it intended to do regarding NERC CIPs compliance. Some power plants also struggle to comply with standards and regulations because they lack the electronic products and devices (such as those manufactured by Seimans and GE) that make such compliance possible.