Do you often use the Telegram messenger? The application allows you to save work files, photos, videos, files of any format to cloud storage. The cloud helps to keep the free memory of your phone or computer without overloading it with files. The Telegram cloud does not look like the usual storages of Google, Yandex, DropBox, In the review, we will tell you where the cloud is located, how to download files and view the contents of the storage.
To create a cloud storage in Google, Mail, Yandex, Dropbox services, you need to register, have a mailbox in the system, create an account. The Telegram cloud appears automatically when you install the messenger. Thanks to the "Favorites" folder, you can store photos, videos, documents, various files on a remote Telegram server without taking up the memory of your smartphone or computer.
Where is the Telegram cloud
The cloud is located directly in the messenger - this is the "Favorites" section ("Saved messages"). The Telegram cloud is a standard chat, but without an interlocutor. Here the user can send messages to himself, no one else has access to this chat, no one can see the contents.
To save a file to your favorites, simply send the required file in a message. You can also save publications from Telegram channels to view the content you are interested in later.
The Telegram cloud is available for any device through which you log into the messenger.
If there are too many channels, subscriptions in Telegram, and the cloud is lost, enter "Favorites" in the search bar
How to view Telegram cloud from computer
To view the desktop version of the Telegram storage, you need to do the following:
1. Launch Telegram.
2. Open the context menu by clicking the three-bar icon in the upper left corner
3. A menu bar will appear on the left. At the top (in the menu header, where the avatar and phone number are located) on the right you will see a bookmark icon
4. Tap on the bookmark - "Favorites" will open
To save, you will need the standard action for loading media into israel girl whatsapp number the chat - click on the paperclip icon. A navigation window will open, select the necessary data, load. This is how the data is saved in Telegram Favorites.
How to view cloud from smartphone
Smartphone users can view the contents of the cloud in the following way:
1. Launch the messenger's mobile application.
2. Open the menu section by pressing the three horizontal stripes
3. In the list of menu sections, find the bookmark icon and the caption “Favorites”
4. Done! The cloud window will open
To download you need:
— Click on the paperclip icon.
— Select the desired media
- Tap the "Send" button
Actions in the cloud
The saved data can be used in different ways:
- delete
- forward to the interlocutor
— save to device
Advantages of Telegram Cloud
1. Free access and storage
2. Unlimited storage
3. Simultaneous access to the cloud from a smartphone, computer, tablet.
4. Search for content by title in the search bar
Telegram Cloud Storage: Where is it, How to Download Files
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