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Most common interlacing problems that can affect your positions:

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:51 am
by Md5656se
12.- Links pointing to HTTP pages from an HTTPS site
Links to old HTTP pages can cause an insecure dialogue between users and the server, so you should make sure to check that your links are up to date.

13.- URLs containing underscores
Search engines can misinterpret underscores and incorrectly index your site.

Use regular dashes instead.

Other common interlacing errors include:
Broken internal links.

Broken external links.

Nofollow attributes on external links.

Pages with only one internal link.

Crawling pages with a depth of more than 3 links.

Making things difficult for trackers
SEO Errors - Infographic on traceability problems

Crawlability, along with indexing issues, are among the most philippines number list crucial health indicators of a website.

You have a lot to lose and a lot to gain when it comes to search engines crawling your site.

If you ignore any crawling issues from a technical SEO perspective, some of your website pages may not be visible to Google.


However, if you fix crawling issues, Google is more likely to correctly identify links in search engines.

You can avoid technical issues by evaluating your site for broken or blocked elements that restrict its crawlability.

Kevin Indig , VP SEO & Content at G2dotcom, emphasizes the importance of the synergy between the sitemap and the robots file:

What surprises me is that many XML sitemaps are not referenced in the robots.txt file. For me, this is a standard that should always be used. What is not surprising is the large number of websites with only one internal link to some pages or even orphan pages. This is the classic architectural problem that is only relevant for SEOs.

A missing sitemap.xml file in your robots.txt file, for example, can cause search engine crawlers to misinterpret your site architecture, as Matt Jones , SEO and CRO Manager at Rise at Seven, states:

Sitemap.xml files can help search engine crawlers identify and find URLs on your website, so it's definitely a great way to help them gain a deeper understanding of your website and in turn help you rank higher for more relevant terms.

Most common problems found by web crawlers:
14.- Nofollow attributes in outgoing intern