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marketing, but for now, take note of

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:56 am
by thouhidul32
It is worth remembering that, in this case, it is important to resort to Digital Marketing techniques. This area offers countless possibilities to better direct strategies.

In the next topics, we will discuss how digital channels can be used in localthis tip: you can use digital platforms to collect information about your audience and better understand their demands.

With the data in hand, try to divide your consumers into groups, classifying people according philippine number for whatsapp to their main characteristics. This is the basis of segmentation.


2. Prioritize the most important customers
Be careful, anyone can buy your product, but every business has a priority audience, which is more likely to receive your offer.

A good way to define priorities is to think about the following situation: if you could gather some people in a physical space to present your product, who would you invite?

At first, you might think about inviting a large number of acquaintances, so that the meeting would be a success. However, given the physical limitations of the space, you would have to be more selective in your list, right?

If the objective is local marketing, the issue of geographic location will be prioritized when selecting “VIP customers”, but it is also important to consider other criteria, such as the person's interest in that type of product or service and even other demographic data such as gender, age and social class.

The criteria will depend on the product and your business strategy, but keep in mind that the objective is to have a more targeted action, focused on a specific segment.

In the case of products with low unit value, for example, working with a local marketing strategy can be advantageous, since traveling to your store location will be more worthwhile for a nearby audience.

We also know that, in this situation, online sales themselves need to be carefully analyzed. After all, the cost of shipping can be a complicating factor, meaning it doesn't make much sense to communicate to a very large audience outside your region of operation.

The good news is that today companies have excellent platforms to work in a more segmented way, as we will show below.