Email Marketing: Don't Send Before Reading! Part 2
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:23 am
Hello, how are you? This week we will continue our practical guide to sending quality emails to your base. If you haven’t read part 1 of this post, go back and start from the beginning.
What is your segmentation strategy? Sending to the email list providers in france number of people possible? THIS IS WRONG! The basic thing that few people do is keep their email database updated and organized.
There are 2 main ways to do segmentation: Store Information and Surface Information. Take a look:
Store Informations is when you segment using:
Website activity data,
Engagement within email,
Social media activity,
Registration in forms,
Data from other tools through integration,
Surface Information is when you can:
Send personalized emails,
Build lists,
Create triggers and automations,
Define personas
Have intelligence about the Lead.
Content and Design
At the beginning of this post I said that email marketing is the media that you have total control over . Because it is here, in the content, that you will have the opportunity to convince people to make the decision you want.
So choose this action wisely.
And remember, the number of emails delivered, clicks and emails opened are metrics, not goals.
Objectives for email campaigns include : registration for a webinar, downloading an e-book, responding to a survey, and even making sales.
The Newsletter is an exception because it allows you to have more than one objective in the email content. It is generally used to group the main news of the month, read the latest blog articles of the month or see the new products that have arrived in each category of an e-commerce, for example.
Regarding the content, the tips are:
Use short paragraphs,
Be objective,
Divide by categories,
Use bold, italics or underline,
Use numbered topics or bullet points,
Respect the blank spaces.
Use and abuse these items to make your email easier to read. It is also important to use the correct tone of voice, always aligned with your persona, taking care to address solutions to the problems and challenges they face. Another tip that works very well is to personalize whenever possible, so that the reader feels that the email is specifically for them and was not sent to millions of people randomly.
Be very careful with Portuguese mistakes! Use the inverted triangle structure to attract the reader's attention , overcome objections that may arise and convert them to the desired action.
Remember to optimize your content for mobile devices and make the experience enjoyable for the reader on any screen size. You also need to think about how the email will arrive in the “email software” of which there are many!
email marketing-1.png
Avoid emails like this at all costs:
email marketing 1.png
The layout of your email is very important. It always goes hand in hand with the content. Pay attention to these points:
Always include a link to view the online version of the email,
Use images up to 600px wide, avoid scrolling.
Always use html and css for email artwork,
Never send an email with the entire message in an image within the email, as it will certainly be considered SPAM!
Call to Action
The function of the Call to Action (CTA) is to take the reader out of the email.
3 Tips for creating CTAs that convert:
What do I want the reader to do?
Why should they do it?
How will they know what to do?
Avoid vague text on buttons like: Click here, download now or learn more!
The Call to Action must be clear, objective and lazy-proof.
New Call-to-action
Just by looking at the CTA, the reader should know exactly what’s coming next.
With these tips, I hope you can already get much better results from your email campaigns. The topic is very broad and I still intend to write 2 more articles to continue this one, they are: Email Marketing: Mobile optimization tips and Email Marketing: Creating a lead nurturing strategy .
What is your segmentation strategy? Sending to the email list providers in france number of people possible? THIS IS WRONG! The basic thing that few people do is keep their email database updated and organized.
There are 2 main ways to do segmentation: Store Information and Surface Information. Take a look:
Store Informations is when you segment using:
Website activity data,
Engagement within email,
Social media activity,
Registration in forms,
Data from other tools through integration,
Surface Information is when you can:
Send personalized emails,
Build lists,
Create triggers and automations,
Define personas
Have intelligence about the Lead.
Content and Design
At the beginning of this post I said that email marketing is the media that you have total control over . Because it is here, in the content, that you will have the opportunity to convince people to make the decision you want.
So choose this action wisely.
And remember, the number of emails delivered, clicks and emails opened are metrics, not goals.
Objectives for email campaigns include : registration for a webinar, downloading an e-book, responding to a survey, and even making sales.
The Newsletter is an exception because it allows you to have more than one objective in the email content. It is generally used to group the main news of the month, read the latest blog articles of the month or see the new products that have arrived in each category of an e-commerce, for example.
Regarding the content, the tips are:
Use short paragraphs,
Be objective,
Divide by categories,
Use bold, italics or underline,
Use numbered topics or bullet points,
Respect the blank spaces.
Use and abuse these items to make your email easier to read. It is also important to use the correct tone of voice, always aligned with your persona, taking care to address solutions to the problems and challenges they face. Another tip that works very well is to personalize whenever possible, so that the reader feels that the email is specifically for them and was not sent to millions of people randomly.
Be very careful with Portuguese mistakes! Use the inverted triangle structure to attract the reader's attention , overcome objections that may arise and convert them to the desired action.
Remember to optimize your content for mobile devices and make the experience enjoyable for the reader on any screen size. You also need to think about how the email will arrive in the “email software” of which there are many!
email marketing-1.png
Avoid emails like this at all costs:
email marketing 1.png
The layout of your email is very important. It always goes hand in hand with the content. Pay attention to these points:
Always include a link to view the online version of the email,
Use images up to 600px wide, avoid scrolling.
Always use html and css for email artwork,
Never send an email with the entire message in an image within the email, as it will certainly be considered SPAM!
Call to Action
The function of the Call to Action (CTA) is to take the reader out of the email.
3 Tips for creating CTAs that convert:
What do I want the reader to do?
Why should they do it?
How will they know what to do?
Avoid vague text on buttons like: Click here, download now or learn more!
The Call to Action must be clear, objective and lazy-proof.
New Call-to-action
Just by looking at the CTA, the reader should know exactly what’s coming next.
With these tips, I hope you can already get much better results from your email campaigns. The topic is very broad and I still intend to write 2 more articles to continue this one, they are: Email Marketing: Mobile optimization tips and Email Marketing: Creating a lead nurturing strategy .