7 Steps to Successful Marketing Positioning
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:56 am
No matter which strategy of differentiation from competitors will be the most effective for the development of the company, the key point is to create it correctly. Marketing experts recommend following the following stages of positioning in marketing:
Setting a goal is the first step . It could be entering a new market, expanding a business, releasing a product, increasing sales, or attracting more customers.
Analysis of competitors, identification of their strengths and weaknesses . Their brands, pricing, marketing strategies, sales volumes, customer reactions to the products of rival companies are studied.
Analyze your product, identify key benefits to emphasize in vietnam telegram marketing and increase sales (e.g. high quality, reliability). Assess its position in the market and develop a strategy to strengthen the competitive advantage.
Study the target audience , identify its needs, preferences, and define segments.
Select a suitable strategy to achieve the set goal.
Formulate a positioning that will help clearly and visually convey the brand's values to your customers.
Create a detailed action plan for a specific period , including the development of all brand elements based on the chosen differentiation from competitors. Ideal positioning should permeate every aspect of the marketing mix: from the name and price, to the logo, PR campaigns, presence on the website, in social networks, in the external image and behavior of the staff, in mobile applications and chatbots, even covering the slogan and the content of advertising materials.

7 Steps to Successful Marketing Positioning
Source: shutterstock.com
It is necessary to actively monitor performance, with careful monitoring and prompt adjustments when necessary. This requires the creation and regular evaluation of KPIs to ensure that the achieved indicators meet the established standards.
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Product Positioning Attributes
In marketing, this is the main advantageous feature of a product that will ensure the satisfaction of consumer needs to the highest degree, distinguish the product from competitors and stimulate the process of its acquisition.
Positioning characteristics include:
Types of attributes The gist
Simple, based on physical properties They are directly related to some physical indicators of the product:
Complex, also based on physical properties Because of the abundance of physical parameters, buyers can rely on complex characteristics to compare different offers. Thus, the price/quality ratio is one such attribute. Computer performance, car capacity, and ease of use of goods/services are examples of complex qualities that consumers can focus on when making decisions.
Abstract Although physical features influence perception, they are not directly related to it. For example, it could be the density of beer, the quality of French wine or the reputation of a car. All these characteristics are considered to be purely private, it is not always easy to relate them to physical data, except for those already known from practice. The importance of these perceptual attributes with their subjective component varies depending on consumers and types of products
Marketing Positioning Tools and Technologies
When forming a marketing image, specialists in the field of differentiation from competitors use a variety of tools and technologies. For example:
Conduct market research to study consumer preferences, the competitive environment and current trends.
Market segmentation is used to determine the target audience that needs to be attracted.
An important step is to analyze the competitive environment to identify the unique advantages of the brand.
Creating a strong brand is accomplished through the development of a logo, slogan, corporate identity and other elements.
To form a UPB for consumers, it is important to develop a pricing strategy, which can be either low or premium.
It is necessary to highlight the unique characteristics of the product and significant attributes so that it stands out from the competition.
Positioning tools are divided into internal and external:
Aimed at internal communication and help make employees committed to a common cause. Corporate trainings, seminars, interpersonal communication, control of contact principles and a feedback system for employees and management are used for this purpose.
To attract the attention of clients and business partners, various tools and technologies are widely used, such as the company's participation in events, the creation of mobile applications, the use of chatbots and outdoor PR, and the placement of television commercials.
These marketing positioning methods allow you to increase the competitiveness of the brand and conduct an advertising campaign as effectively as possible.
How to achieve multiple growth in traffic and sales from your website?
Alexey Boyarkin
Dmitry Svistunov
Head of SEO and Development
Read more posts on my personal blog:
I have always been concerned about the issue of moving to a fundamentally new level. So that the indicators would grow not by 2 or 3 times, but by several orders of magnitude. From a thousand visits to ten thousand or from ten thousand to a hundred thousand, if we are talking about a website, for example.
And I know that such leaps are always the result of painstaking work in five areas:
Technical condition of the site.
Collection of site semantics.
Creating useful content.
Working on conversion.
And at the same time, every manager needs an increase in sales and the number of applications from the site at the moment.
To get this growth, download our step-by-step template for increasing sales from the site:
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What is a brand positioning map and why is it needed?
Building a quality differentiation from competitors and selecting the appropriate tools allows you to create a diagram that displays how the product is located in relation to competitors' products. Usually, it has the form of coordinate axes that reflect the price-quality ratio of the products offered.
What is a brand positioning map and why is it needed?
Source: shutterstock.com
A positioning map (perceptual map) is a visual tool. It shows how customers perceive a product/brand in comparison with its competitors. It is sometimes called a perception map. Its analysis helps to discover a free market segment for a new product or to determine ways to change the positioning of an existing product in order to increase its competitiveness.
Brand research performs the following functions:
helps to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of products in comparison with the positioning of competitors;
identifies untapped customer needs;
provides the opportunity to change the positioning of existing products.
Brand analysis is effective not only for mass-market products in the B2C segment, but also for B2B companies and service agencies.
Setting a goal is the first step . It could be entering a new market, expanding a business, releasing a product, increasing sales, or attracting more customers.
Analysis of competitors, identification of their strengths and weaknesses . Their brands, pricing, marketing strategies, sales volumes, customer reactions to the products of rival companies are studied.
Analyze your product, identify key benefits to emphasize in vietnam telegram marketing and increase sales (e.g. high quality, reliability). Assess its position in the market and develop a strategy to strengthen the competitive advantage.
Study the target audience , identify its needs, preferences, and define segments.
Select a suitable strategy to achieve the set goal.
Formulate a positioning that will help clearly and visually convey the brand's values to your customers.
Create a detailed action plan for a specific period , including the development of all brand elements based on the chosen differentiation from competitors. Ideal positioning should permeate every aspect of the marketing mix: from the name and price, to the logo, PR campaigns, presence on the website, in social networks, in the external image and behavior of the staff, in mobile applications and chatbots, even covering the slogan and the content of advertising materials.

7 Steps to Successful Marketing Positioning
Source: shutterstock.com
It is necessary to actively monitor performance, with careful monitoring and prompt adjustments when necessary. This requires the creation and regular evaluation of KPIs to ensure that the achieved indicators meet the established standards.
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"Sales Triggers That Have Never Failed"
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Product Positioning Attributes
In marketing, this is the main advantageous feature of a product that will ensure the satisfaction of consumer needs to the highest degree, distinguish the product from competitors and stimulate the process of its acquisition.
Positioning characteristics include:
Types of attributes The gist
Simple, based on physical properties They are directly related to some physical indicators of the product:
Complex, also based on physical properties Because of the abundance of physical parameters, buyers can rely on complex characteristics to compare different offers. Thus, the price/quality ratio is one such attribute. Computer performance, car capacity, and ease of use of goods/services are examples of complex qualities that consumers can focus on when making decisions.
Abstract Although physical features influence perception, they are not directly related to it. For example, it could be the density of beer, the quality of French wine or the reputation of a car. All these characteristics are considered to be purely private, it is not always easy to relate them to physical data, except for those already known from practice. The importance of these perceptual attributes with their subjective component varies depending on consumers and types of products
Marketing Positioning Tools and Technologies
When forming a marketing image, specialists in the field of differentiation from competitors use a variety of tools and technologies. For example:
Conduct market research to study consumer preferences, the competitive environment and current trends.
Market segmentation is used to determine the target audience that needs to be attracted.
An important step is to analyze the competitive environment to identify the unique advantages of the brand.
Creating a strong brand is accomplished through the development of a logo, slogan, corporate identity and other elements.
To form a UPB for consumers, it is important to develop a pricing strategy, which can be either low or premium.
It is necessary to highlight the unique characteristics of the product and significant attributes so that it stands out from the competition.
Positioning tools are divided into internal and external:
Aimed at internal communication and help make employees committed to a common cause. Corporate trainings, seminars, interpersonal communication, control of contact principles and a feedback system for employees and management are used for this purpose.
To attract the attention of clients and business partners, various tools and technologies are widely used, such as the company's participation in events, the creation of mobile applications, the use of chatbots and outdoor PR, and the placement of television commercials.
These marketing positioning methods allow you to increase the competitiveness of the brand and conduct an advertising campaign as effectively as possible.
How to achieve multiple growth in traffic and sales from your website?
Alexey Boyarkin
Dmitry Svistunov
Head of SEO and Development
Read more posts on my personal blog:
I have always been concerned about the issue of moving to a fundamentally new level. So that the indicators would grow not by 2 or 3 times, but by several orders of magnitude. From a thousand visits to ten thousand or from ten thousand to a hundred thousand, if we are talking about a website, for example.
And I know that such leaps are always the result of painstaking work in five areas:
Technical condition of the site.
Collection of site semantics.
Creating useful content.
Working on conversion.
And at the same time, every manager needs an increase in sales and the number of applications from the site at the moment.
To get this growth, download our step-by-step template for increasing sales from the site:
Download template
Already downloaded
What is a brand positioning map and why is it needed?
Building a quality differentiation from competitors and selecting the appropriate tools allows you to create a diagram that displays how the product is located in relation to competitors' products. Usually, it has the form of coordinate axes that reflect the price-quality ratio of the products offered.
What is a brand positioning map and why is it needed?
Source: shutterstock.com
A positioning map (perceptual map) is a visual tool. It shows how customers perceive a product/brand in comparison with its competitors. It is sometimes called a perception map. Its analysis helps to discover a free market segment for a new product or to determine ways to change the positioning of an existing product in order to increase its competitiveness.
Brand research performs the following functions:
helps to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of products in comparison with the positioning of competitors;
identifies untapped customer needs;
provides the opportunity to change the positioning of existing products.
Brand analysis is effective not only for mass-market products in the B2C segment, but also for B2B companies and service agencies.