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Importance of UX design when we talk about multilingual sites

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:05 am
by Md5656se
Now that we understand what UX is and what its value is in the world of marketing, let's put ourselves in context.

In the year 2020, it is difficult to find anyone who denies the reality that the digital world is a world without borders in which we can acquire or consume products and services located thousands of kilometers away.

However, on many occasions we encounter barriers or restrictions that prevent us from consuming and enjoying these products or services.

One of the main barriers is language, not only in terms of languages, but also the different uses made of the same language in different geographical areas.

Facilitating the relationship and the same level of understanding of a site for d code phone number philippines ifferent types of users, regardless of the language they speak, is a task about which UX design has a lot to say.

When we talk about compression we must differentiate between two concepts:

On the one hand, we have “translation”, understood as the expression in one language of what was originally said or written in another.
On the other hand, there is “localization.” This implies a cultural dimension and involves the need to adapt a product or service to a specific geographic location, with its corresponding translations, legal or cultural aspects, units of measurement, date and time formats, colors, currency, etc.
When we talk about comprehension, we are not talking solely and exclusively about content translation.

We must give importance to the context, to the storytelling, to the meaning of the message we want to convey and to the different behavioral motivations of each group of users.

In addition, these particularities will have to be reflected in the language in which the site is being displayed.

It is therefore essential to seek a local approach, without losing sight of the global vision.


We cannot address an Asian in the same way as a European, a Swede in the same way as an Italian, a Lombard in the same way as a Sicilian.

Not only must the user be addressed in a language that they are able to understand in linguistic terms, but also in cultural and contextual terms, and in addition, ensure that this message is effective.

By doing so, we will be able to overcome the language barrier and build brand loyalty, product affinity and conversion efficiency among users .